Tartaria, The Region
Tartaria is an Asian Region that includes Xinjiang, Manchuria, Mongolia, Persia, Siberia, Central Asia, and Tibet
The Area known as Tartaria includes Present Day Russia, China, Central Asia, Persia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, and Tibet.
See the food and landscape of Tartaria
Learn the past and present cultures of Tartaria.
Understand the history and the culture of Tartaria as it really was instead of how others want you to think it was.
The Land of Myth
Modern-day Mythologists create false stories about Tartaria and the regions it contains. Stay up to date on this website in order to learn more about the history and true facts about Tartaria and its reality.
- Learn About The History of Tartaria
- Read about the history and the truth about Tartaria.
- See the food and see the landscape of Tartaria in images.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
– Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet and Mystic